Dramaturgi Poligami

Rini Rinawati


Polygamy always creating conflicts, not only from non Islamic, but also inside Islamic people as well. Although polygamy is allowed by Islam, cultural barrier and negative perceptions spread among people made polygamy was practiced under hidden circumstance. This phenomenon created controversies, and an analysis based on dramaturgy theory of Goffmann would be best to examine the practice. The research found that management impression occurred both in back stage as well as in front stage. The actor is the husband who tried to improve his image by showing off his loyalty toward his first wife. Front stage and back stage are mixed, and in order to trace the genuine message, one must focus on nonverbal message implied in communication process among the pair(s).


dramaturgi, poligami, pengelolaan kesan, front stage, back stage


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mediator.v7i1.1226


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