Model Sinergitas Pengarusutamaan Gender dalam Mewujudkan Keadilan dan Kesetaraan Pendidikan

Nursini Tawakkal, Rahim Darma, Sri Undai Nurbayani


This research aims to: (1) to analyze the causes of the gender gap in education, (2) to analyze the extent to which respondents’ knowledge about gender and gender responsive education, (3) to build model gender mainstreaming to achieve gender justice and equality in education. The data used are primary and secondary data which were analyzed descriptively. Locations of the study are the village Pabiringa and Biringkassi in Jeneponto and Tompobalang in Gowa, South Sulawesi Province The result showed that: (1) the causes the gender gap in education is a factor of participation, access, control, and culture, (2) understanding the respondents about gender and gender-minded education is still low, (3) the model was developed to achieve gender justice and equality in education is a model institutional strengthening of gender mainstreaming based-synergy between teachers, Parents, and the Department of Education


Model, Gender, Mainstreaming, bias, education


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