Format Kelembagaan Kerjasama Antar Daerah untuk Pembangunan Ekonomi Kawasan Berkelanjutan

Bambang Tri Harsanto, Slamet Rosyadi, Simin Simin


This study was aimed at examining in depth the various weaknesses and efforts to improve the format of interregional cooperation better, and examining in depth perception, practice collaboration and document of inter-regional cooperation. To address these objectives, this study applied qualitative research methods: Multiple Case Study. This study will discuss various strategies, actions and opinions of actors cooperation in responding to various constraints and weaknesses in the former format of cooperation. The results showed each region considers that decentralization of regional cooperation is indispensable for the development efforts of regional economic potential. However, the existence of inter-regional cooperation is highly dependent on the commitment of the head of local governments and the support of government agencies in  both the provincial and central government, particularly in the form of funding and legislation that is used as an umbrella law for cooperation between regions.


interregional cooperation, commitment of the head of local government, institutional form


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