Implementasi Kebijakan Otonomi Daerah Bidang Pendidikan dalam Pencapaian “Millennium Development Goals”

Roni Ekha Putera


Educational autonomy granted to regional areas to provide more flexibility to make local excel in education. With all its potential, each region implement their respective policies in order to improve the quality of education. Padang, as the capital of West Sumatra province establishes Regulation Area No. 5 year 2011 on the Implementation of Education and Local Regulation No. 22 Year 2012 on Accelerating Quality Improvement of Primary and Secondary Education. Both of these local regulations created and established to support Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which means that in the city of Padang in 2015 all boys and girls can complete primary school. This research approach using qualitative research. Padang city chosen because it is a city that has a regional regulatory About Education, which is expected to provide an appropriate model in providing education in the area, while the Sawah Lunto city chosen because it is the area. The results showed that Padang political will of the local government to education is less, it makes the implementation of regulatory regions become less performing well.


: Educational Policy, Educational Autonomy, Primary Education, Regional Regulation


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