The Pattern of Communication Ethnography of the Street Children in Bandar Lampung

Tina Kartika, Nanda Utaridah


Street children are an asset to the country. The problem of street children in the State of Indonesia is not just in the economic, environmental and educational inequality matters, but also in the national pride that must be maintained. Street children are a problem in every city, without exception in the city of Bandar Lampung. Many things can cause a child becoming street children. One of the reasons is the economic factor. Some cases explain that a street child actually directed by his parents to sing and beg in order to ease the economic burden of the family. Of course this is not good for the development of children’s education. Starting from the concept of the mapped problems of street children, this study focuses on perspective of socio-cultural. Ethnography of Communication Theory is a guide to map out this concept. Ethnography of communication patterns of children are begging and singing by not giving share and giving share to the individual/ specific thugs; begging and singing intentionally or unintentionally by using others as an attraction; and begging and singing intentionally or unintentionally by exploiting weaknesses/physical disability.


Street children, economy, ethnography of communication, Bandar Lampung

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