Economic Community Empowerment Through Tourist Village Development

Azis Muslim


The village is the governance structure at the bottom and directly in contact with the public. The village has the potential and assets that can be developed to build public welfare. Therefore, the village government has a strategic role in the economic empowerment of the community. The village government of Bleberan exploit the potential and assets for economic empowerment of communities through the development of tourism village. This study aims to assess the measures undertaken by the Bleberan village government in building a tourism village and its impact on the local economy. Research conducted qualitatively by the method of collecting data through observation, interview, and documentation. In addition, the questionnaire is used to complete the data. Based on the research it was found that the construction of tourism village is done through the stages of village potential exploration, build a dream, strategy, and action. Meanwhile, economic empowerment is done through awareness, provision of facilities, and training of skills. The result of development of tourism village impact on work opportunities, increased income, and investment growth in the tourism business for the local community.


impact; tourism village; economic empowerment.

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa.



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