Multi Stakeholders Governance Body Model In Achieving the Excellence Public Policy

Novita Tresiana, Noverman Duadji


This study aims to: 1) analyze the reasons of failure of village government in producing a superior policy; 2) analyze the existing institutions in the community, as the realization of the carrying capacity of a superior policy; and 3) develop a model of institutional strengthening to achieve the excellence of public policy. This study uses a qualitative approach with description methods. The data used is the primary and secondary data. Secondary data were  obtained  from the local government in the form of the relevant documentation. The primary data obtained from interviews, observation, focus group discussions. The data collected are analyzed qualitative descriptive. The research location is in Lampung, Province of South Lampung, 9 in villages. The results show that the failure of development due to the institutional model of village planning meetings is bureaucratic, formalism and the measurement focuses on the process instead of the result. There are no institutional supporting communities and the village planning meetings do not involve stakeholders. Required solutions are in the form of representative models of institutional strengthening, get to know to the community residents through a deliberative forum with a multi- stakeholders.



Multi Stakeholders, Governance Body

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