Utilization of Smartphone Literacy In Learning Process

Yenni Yuniati, Ani Yuningsih


The utilization of smartphones is increasingly developing among the students. It causes various modifications of attitude and behavior, that media literacy nowadays becomes highly important. Therefore, media literacy shall become the priority for related parties specifically parents and teachers. In addition to helping to find information and to conduct fast communication, smartphone is also functions in formal learning process among the students.The aim of this research is to acknowledge the utilization of smartphones in formal learning process. This study uses qualitative descriptive method which makes serious efforts in describing and depicting utilization of smartphones in learning process among Junior High School students in Bandung. The research result shows that smartphones may function as a device to channel messages and to stimulate the mind, feeling and desire of the students which may encourage learning process in them and to give positive values and to bridge media literacy among the students.


Smartphone, Student, Learning Process

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Yenni Yuniati, Ani Yuningsih, Nurahmawati, Konsep Diri Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Kota Bandung Dalam Komunikasi Sosial Melalui Smartphone. Jurnal Mimbar Vol 31. No. 2 (Desember, 2015) 439 – 450.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i1.2076


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