The Role of Triple Helix Actors for Agro Tourism Development in West Sumatera

Widya Fitriana


Agricultural sector as a main contributor to GDP formation in West Sumatera is required to be able to diversify its business in order to highest achieving economic and social development. One diversified agricultural business prospective to be developed is agro-tourism. The development of agro-tourism requires collaboration and synergy between academician, businessman and government as known as triple helix actors. This study is designed with aim to (i) map the agro-tourism potential in west Sumatera; (ii) analyze the role of each actors, so they may take action in accelerating Agro-tourism development. This research uses observation, depth interview method, literature study and focus group discussion. The result shows that agro-tourism in West Sumatra is more prominent of great natural and cultural value, small scale and lack of local facilities. It also requires relatively high level of investment relative to its return. Therefore government support is likely an essential element of agro-tourism development and the effort may be better directed toward consolidating with intellectual and business also.


agro-tourism, rural development, role of triple-helix

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