The Partnership of Maritime Tourism Management in Kapoposang Island Pangkajene Regency

Badu Ahmad, Faramitha Sri Puji Rahayu Thahir


The form of cooperation between public and private has now become the main reference in fulfilling the availability of infrastructure to improve the service and needs of society, especially for those who are living on the island. This article aims to analyze the forms of partnership that exists between the office of Culture and Tourism of Pangkep with PT. Makassar Tirta Tourism, as well as the public benefit to be derived from such form of cooperation. This article uses a qualitative approach through observation, interviews and documentation of the informants who were directly involved in the implementation of these activities.The process of data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. This article shows that the form of partnership is only focused on the management and empowerment of marine tourism which involves only one side of the party in the implementation of partnership. The contribution or profit obtained by each partner is not comparable with one another. This is influenced by the lack of tourists who visit the island, therefore some improvements in providing the best tourists’ service is needed. Viewing from the benefits for the community, this cooperation helps to raise the economic level of the community, but it is opposed to their social life where they have difficulties in accessing education and health.


public private partnership, community empowerment, island community, marine tourism

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