Meningkatkan Semangat dan Kebanggaan sebagai Muslim dalam Proses Pembelajaran Kimia Dasar di Unisba

Rusnadi Rusnadi


A significant contribution for people and nation has marked Unisba in its fifty years of age.  Since its beginning,  the idea behind Unisba was creating an education site based on Islamic values,  which in turn would produce Muslim scholars who dedicated themselves for the wealth of nation and its people. To achieve the ideal goals, as reflected on Unisba’s vision and mission, students were taught many subjects.  Admittably, majority of  the subjects being taught in Unisba were borrowed from Western knowledge as well. Only a few were taken from Islamic teachings. Among those few is basics of chemistry. In fact, history noted that some Muslim scholars has made significant contribution to develop chemistry.  Jabir Ibn Haiyan, Abu’l-Qasim, Aidamir al-Jildaki, Al-Tughra’i, and Al-Majriti were several  worth to be  mentioned. Their  achievement marked special exemplar of Muslim scholars whose names were larger than their life.


Spirit; Muslim Mulia; Kimia Dasar


Anonim, “History of Chemistry”, chemistry.

Anonim, Islam Contribution To Chemistry,

Anonim, The History of Chemistry,, The History of Chemistry.

Anonim, Alchemy in Islamic Times., Alchemy in Islamic Times

Anonim, Alchemy and chemistry in medieval Islam.,Alchemy and chemistry in medieval Islam.

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Stryer, L., (1994). ‘Biochemistry’, Mc Graw Hill, p.43-45.



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