Pengelolaan Program Pembiasaan Keagamaan Dalam Pembinaan Kedisiplinan Siswa Di Madrasah Adabiyah Islamiyah (Mai) Tingkat Tsanawiyah Purwakarta

Usep Saepul Mupti


Religius Development Program in the education of children from an early age should receive serious attnetion, especially in moral education, one of themis discipline, so they do nt become children are weak in faith that grow up to bea generation that solih and solihah.

Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Purwakarta Tsanawiyah level as one of the oldest in Purwakarta Madrasah has a typical program compared with other schools. The Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Tsanawiyah level Purwakarta implepment religius habituation program into intrakrikuler, means serve as subjects that have allocated the same time as other subjects, does not serve the religious habituation program as an extracurricular activity. Because of these differences of interest to our deeply conscientious about how habituation program management in Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Tsanawiyah level. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of habituation program conducted in Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Tsanawiyah level Purwakarta.

The method used in this research is descriptive method research qualitative analytical approach. Which is as a method that is directed to solve the problem by exposing or describe what the results of existing research and research sites. In other words, this method is used to investigate a case of a group of people, an object, a condition, or even an event at research sites, with the aim to create a description, picture or painting in a systematic, actual, accurate information on the facts, nature and the relationship between phenomenon, seen from the scope of this research is a field research ( field research) to take place in the Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Tsanawiyah level Purwakarta.

Based on the results of research and data analysis, it can be concluded that the religious habituation program implemented Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Purwakarta Tsanawiyah level include: 1) a plan drawn up to implement the program, 2) the implementation of the habituation program, and 3) evaluate the conditioning program held in Madarash Adabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) Tsanawiyah level Purwakarta.


Management, Religious, Development, Discipline.


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