This study aims to analyze the implementation of business ethics in traditional markets and analyze the role of al-Hisbah in the implementation of business ethics in the Wonokromo traditional market in Surabaya. This type of research is field research. The data collection methods are observation, interview, and study literature. The research result implies information about the traditional market sellers' understanding of business ethics that very diverse. Although some sellers do not know theoretically about business ethics, they implement the ethical business value because of their obedience to religious values taught by their families. The function of Al-Hisbah in the Wonokromo market has been going well despite some shortcomings that might able to be managed by supervision in terms of price, size/scale, and quality of goods. The implication of this research is its contribution to the development of Islamic Economics science, and input for stakeholders incuding market management and city government who involved in socialization and implementation business ethics at traditional markets.
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