Externality of Tourism Destinations for Local Communities: Case Study of The Lodge Maribaya in Lembang sub-district, West Bandung Regency

Westi Riani, Bayu Alam Mehesa Putra


This study aims to identify and analyze the positive and negative externalities of thexistence of tourism destination for local community. In detail, externalities in thistudy are in the form of social benefits as the positive externality and costs felt bthird parties due to the economic activities that occur related to the tourismdestinations as the negative externality. Moreover, in this study, the selected tourismdestination is The Lodge Maribaya which is located in the sub-district of LembangWest Bandung regency, the province of West Java. Then, this study uses thdescriptive analysis using the primary data obtained through a survey of one hundrerespondents consisting of the community, business people and the tourist destinatiomanagers, where, the data is processed using SPSS. As the result, the existence oThe Lodge Maribaya prove that tourism destination creates the positive externalitiein the form of increased income, employment, and economic development as well athe negative externalities in the form of traffic jams, pollution, and environmentadamage.

Keywords: tourist destinations, externalities, income, employment, traffic jams

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