An Analysis of Community Participation in Regional Development Planning of North Lombok Regency

Raden Asyqiran, Anggi Nopianti, Andyta Naufal Utomo, Resti Restiana, Shaffira Azzahra, Wahyu Cahyadi


The Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) is one of the indicators of the success of a region's development because it describes the priorities and direction of government policies in a fiscal year that aim to improve the welfare of the community. For this reason, the interests of the people must be the top priority in budgeting, according to the conditions of their regional problems. This study aims to analyze the participatory planning process and the absorption of community participation in the 2009-2013 North Lombok Regency APBD, as well as the factors that influence the absorption rate of community participation. The absorption rate of community participation in the North Lombok Regency Budget for 2009-2013 was very good, with an average budget absorption rate of 50.36 percent over 5 years against the direct expenditure of 5 Regional Apparatus Work Units (SKPD). The factors that influence the absorption rate of such participation are (1) budget availability, (2) political interests, (3) quality of proposals, and (4) level of importance (urgency).


participatory planning, absorption of community participation, APBD

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