Inclusive Economic Development in Islamic Perspective

Hantoro Ksaid Notolegowo


The current economic development is not enough only to be interpreted by increasing economic growth. Economic development must also be able to create community access to economic opportunities. Because the benefits of development must be felt equally and fairly by all people. Therefore, the concept of inclusive economic development is currently being developed. This paper tries to discuss inclusive economic development from an Islamic perspective and at the same time formulates an index of inclusive economic development from an Islamic perspective. The inclusive economic development index in an Islamic perspective is formulated by modifying the inclusive economic development index published by Bappenas (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional), where the Basic Infrastructure Sub-Pillar adds the Percentage Availability of Worship Facilities (Mosques) indicator in an Area and on the Inclusive Finance Sub-Pillar adds an indicator of the Ratio of Total Distribution of Zakat Funds to the Poor.


Inclusive Economic Development, Islamic Perspective, Index

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