Readiness to Use Village Funds to Support Community Independence (Case Study: Srirahayu Village, Cikancung District, Bandung Regency-Indonesia)

Aprilia Nur Aeni, Asnita Frida Sebayang, Aan Julia


Village funds are funds sourced from the APBN with the hope of increasing community independence. However, in its management, there are still problems, namely the unpreparedness of the community and village officials. Srirahayu Village is the village with the lowest IDM. In its management, village funds are mostly used for physical development. The research objective was to determine, measure, study, and formulate strategies for handling the level of readiness to use village funds to support community independence in Srirahayu Village. The method used is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. Data was collected through questionnaires to 5 respondents (village officials). Techniques for measuring community readiness consist of No Awareness, Denial / Resistance, Vague awareness, Preplanning, Preparation, Initiation, Stabilization, Expansion / Confirmation, Community Ownership. The results showed the level of readiness to use village funds to support community independence in Srirahayu Village by using 5 readiness dimensions, namely general knowledge about village funds at a score of 5.2 (preparation), leadership at 6.2 (initiation), community climate on the score. 5.8 (preparation), knowledge of the use of village funds for community independence at a score of 5.8 (preparation), and resources at a score of 5.0 (preparation), so that the average readiness to use village funds for community independence in Srirahayu Village is a score of 5.6 or being in the preparation stage.

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