Application of Islamic Work Ethics to Employees at PT Asuransi Takaful Umum (Case Study: Head Office Jakarta)

Lulu Lathifan, Nurfahmiyati Hasanbasri, Meidy Haviz


Work is natural and at the same time one of the human identities, so that work based on the principles of faith and tawhid, not only shows the nature of a Muslim but also elevates the dignity as a servant of Allah SWT. PT Asuransi Takaful Umum was founded by law that is based on the Al - Qur'an and Hadith, as well as the Law with the applicable regulations. The research method used to support this research is quantitative research. Accompanied by the use of observation and interview methods as well as library engineering research methods. The number of respondents used in this study was 50 employees with 10 of them being leaders. This research is also calculated using the Likert scale as the calculation tool used so that the variables are translated into variable indicators and then these variable indicators are used to become a reference for preparing questions. Respondents will determine their level of agreement with the questions asked by selecting the questions that have been provided. The results showed that PT Asuransi Takaful Umum has implemented Islamic work ethics by existing regulations in the company. The application of Islamic work ethics is seen from the 5 dimensions used, namely Itqan, Hafidzun Alim, Amanah, Al-Kayis, Al-Qawiy, and has been implemented. With a conducive working atmosphere, the relationship between employees and directors is carried out well so that unwanted things can be controlled.

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