Government Policy Strategies in Sustaining Economic Growth in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Fitriani Millenia Onesha, Widya Nissa Wildani, Yuni Sophiyanti


This paper aims to see the government's strategy to maintain economic growth in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive analysis method with the type of literature study of various publications from BPS, Bank Indonesia, and previous empirical literature that will be used as a grand theory in this study. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics. Furthermore, to ease the burden on business actors, both micro, medium, and large, OJK has rescheduled the repayment of debt installments and interest subsidies. These policies will only work effectively if a mix of policies or policy coordination is carried out. Besides, community support is urgently needed, such as implementing health protocols to suppress the development of the Covid-19 virus so that normal life can be re-created. These policies will only work effectively if a mix of policies or policy coordination is carried out. Also, community support is urgently needed, such as implementing health protocols to suppress the development of the Covid-19 virus so that normal life can be re-created. These policies will only work effectively if a mix of policies or policy coordination is carried out. Besides, community support is urgently needed, such as implementing health protocols to suppress the development of the Covid-19 virus so that normal life can be re-created.

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