Influence Growth Economy and Unemployment Rate on Poverty Rate Province West Java in 2014-2019

Bioza Putra Utama


Studies this aim for knowing how much big Effect of Growth Rate Economy Unemployment Rate on the Poverty Rate in West Java in 2014-2019. Method used method quantitative . Data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and processed by the author use E-views 9 application for help obtain conclusion . Development process of progress in a manner Keep going continuous and continuous going to toward desired goal _ achieved . one _ destination development Indonesian national based Opening The 1945 Constitution is to advance well-being general . unemployment situation in which a person classified in force work want to get profession but not could get it . poverty is all situation _ limited happening _ no on the will of the person concerned . Something population is said to be poor if characterized by low education , productivity employment , income , health and nutrition as well as well-being his life , which shows circle helplessness . With use method regression simple panel data and choose effects modeling approach permanent concluded that variable Growth Rate Economy have influence no significant on the Poverty Level in Province West Java . When Growth Rate Economy experience increase hence poverty rate will experience increase . While the Unemployment Rate also has influence positive and no significant to on the Poverty Level in the Province West Java in 2014-2019. When the Unemployment Rate experience increase hence the Poverty Rate experience increase .

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