Application Of Si PITEM Technology In Sinarancang Village, Mundu District, Cirebon Regency

Rindi Wulandari, N Nurdiyanto, Ida Setya WA, T. Taryo, Sandi Luthfi


Abstract. Agricultural development in dry land has constraints on water availability, especially in the dry season. Another problem is the limited mastery of technology that supports the increase and sustainability of agricultural production. Sinarancang Village, Mundu District, Cirebon Regency, which is a village with the most dominant potential for the agricultural sector, relies on rain-fed agricultural irrigation systems. In the dry season, a water pump is a basic need of farmers. The pump uses diesel which uses fuel to be turned on. Therefore, community empowerment activities with SI PITEM (Solar Energy Irrigation System) Technology Applications were carried out. The purpose of the activity is to increase the productivity of partners to be more effective and efficient with SI PITEM technology in the production of agricultural products. The method of activity is the socialization and application of SI PITEM technology in the irrigation system. The result of the activity is that the application of SI PITEM technology can be used for irrigation systems for agricultural land during the dry season effectively because electricity comes from solar panels.


Lahan Kering, Irigasi, SI PITEM

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