Inkscape Training for Teacher Raudhatul Athfal to Grow the Teacherpreneur Spirit

Ferry Darmawan, Arif Hakim, Venny Sevtiany


This community service activity aims to develop the potential of Raudhatul Athfal (RA) teachers as a teacherpreneur, especially in the information and communication technology field. The ability of RA teachers to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires improving skills in the digital technology field, at once an effort to improve teacher welfare. Using training and mentoring methods, RA teachers are introduced to the Inkscape computer graphics program to support the creation of visual props for learning media, especially early childhood character development. The community service activity produced several illustrated stories made by the trainees that showed a change in the ability of RA teachers to use the Inkscape program as an accessible free digital image medium. Furthermore, by using Inkscape, RA teachers can create a digital drawing with tracing techniques so that anyone can create a storytelling picture themselves. In addition, teachers are also introduced to the microstock platform, which is currently widely used as a forum for publishing graphic design works and becoming a website for buying and selling digital products so that it is hoped that teachers can start becoming teacherpreneur in today's digital era.


ECCE teaching media; storytelling images; visual communication.

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