Introduction of Rats Pest Control Using Trap Barrier System (TBS) in Farmer Group

Marchel Putra Garfansa, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Yenni Arista Cipta Ekalaturrahmah


Abstract. Rats are the main agricultural pests and one of the factors causing crop failure for farmers, especially in Pademawu. Farmers generally use pest control methods using poisons that can pollute the agricultural environment. The application of the Trap Barrier System (TBS) is needed to overcome the rat pestproblem. The service aims to increase partners' insight into implementing rat pest control using TBS. Community service activities in the form of outreach and training. The method used is descriptive quantitative, namely data collection through filling out questionnaires including knowledge skills, level of interest, posttest and pretest for partner knowledge evaluation. The results of the participant's assessment of the benefits of the training through Evaluation of farmers' understanding of the application of TBS technology showed results of 82%. The assessment shows the skills and insights obtained by the farmers are in the good category after carrying out the activities. The participants also showed interest in participating in the activities shown by the participants actively asking and listening during the discussion. TBS has been proven to be able to reduce the level of rat attack on rice by up to 80% so that farmers are interested in using the TBS trap system. Even so, the TBS system cannot break the life cycle of rats and further guidance is needed regarding sustainable cropping and cultivation patterns to overcome this in the farmers' environment in East Pademawu Village.


Paddy; Trap; Integrated Technology; Rat

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