Model Of Determining Amount Of City Transport Optimal City In Bandung

Aviasti Anwar, Asep Nana Rukmana, Jamaludin Jamaludin


The research conducted is to make the model of determining the optimal transportation fleet in Bandung City, to overcome the imbalance between the number of available fleet and the number of passengers in need. This research type is quantitative with case study of two city transportation trajectory in the route of Sadang Serang Caringin and Riung Bandung Dago trajectory which at the time of preliminary research is categorized not optimal. To determine the optimal number of urban transport fleets, there are several variables associated with this include: number of passengers (P), fleet volume / frequency (F), vehicle capacity (C), cycle time (CTABA), load factor ( LF), and headway (H). The results showed that the number of public transport fleet for the route Dago - Riung Bandung and Sadang Serang - Caringin currently too much does not match the needs of the meaning is not optimal



Transportation, city transportation, fleet amount, optimal


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