Good Mining Practice As The Support Of Management Of Environmentally And Sustainable Mining

Dudi Nasrudin Usman


Garut Regency is a district that has enough of the potential mineral resources, such metallic minerals and nonmetals including sand and andesite,  one of the areas is Mount Guntur. Many factors encourage to stop mining activity, one of them is environmental factors. Therefore, it needs a  relocation to other areas, by consideration of the potential mineral deposits, to fulfill the increasing market demand. The relocation is done as a step that mining activities do not interfere with mountain tourism, natural environmental conditions, and policies related to the environment, safety and occupational health and spatial planning. The field observations result, study geological location dominated by Qhg, Qypu, and QYM. The other geological aspects that must be considered is the distribution pattern of the river. The vegetation conditions  results show that the types of vegetation found in many locations namely crops and plantations, shrubs and bamboo. Based on the calculation of immeasurable resources, there is Boulder andesite-basalt amounted to 13,515,740 MT, with an estimated average thickness taken from the surface to the deepest point of 60 meters penetration geolistrik, although in fact the thickness of andesite - basalt is absence of definite size, thereby the concretion Factor has a value of 30%.


Deposition Model, Characteristics Location, Good Mining Practice


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