Eva Rita


In development and reconstruction of roads frequent changes work items, affecting the cost, turnaround time and quality of work. In order to determine what factors cause of the technical justification has conducted a study of eight packages of road construction and eight packages of reconstruction road capacity of West Sumatra in the unit Implementation of National Road Region I and Region II under  theNational Road Agency of West Sumatera Province. The work packages studied wasthe work conducted in 2009 to 2015. The method used was descriptive-evaluative research. Results of the study found the 7 causal factors do technical justification that the initial design of the contract is not in accordance with the results of the engineering field, not taking into account the design life of the road, , has not been calculated in detail the volume and the price for each item of work, do not pay attention to Standard Directorate general of Highways Ministry of public Works, the land is not available when the project is implemented, the results of field surveys for planning is not complete, and the occurrence of overlapping projects between the state and local budgets. To eliminate the occurrence of increased costs due to technical justification is necessary to complete the field survey by calculating in detail the volume and the price for each work item.


road construction, reconstruction/upgrading of roads, technical justification


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/ethos.v0i0.2239


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