Yani Ramdani, Onoy Rohaeni, Sandi Sumardi


The implementation of an integral concept in the real life was very broad, but the student’ remains for it in the low category. The strategy of Scientific Debate was allegedly capable to enhance the students’ ability in the integral concept. The most important part in the learning process of the Scientific Debate is learning materials and instruments as a means of evaluation. Learning materials and instruments are capable if can measure what should be measured and must have validity, reliability, have criterion power, and the difficulty index. The development of learning materials contains a dish concept, examples of routine and non-routine problem, to exercise routine and of nonroutine the question, to reserve application problem. The results of the trial of the instruments was obtained significance value 0.42 that is means the experts have weigh the validity of the content of grains of matter uniformly. The significance value of the question validity is 0.82 it means advance category from the language and images. The significance value of reliability is 0.87 that is included in the advance category.  The analysis of the difficulty degree shows the problem number 7 categories difficult, problem number 1, 2, 4, and 6 categories quite, and the problem numbers 3 and 5 categories easily. Analysis of the classification of the criterion power show the problem numbers 1, 2, and 3 is good quite, the problem number 4, 6, and 7 are good, as well as the problem of the number 5 included is excellent.    


instruments, scientific debate, validity, reliability, index of difficulty. 1

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