PKM Peningkatan Ekonomi Petani Rumput Laut Melalui Program Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Rumput Laut (DIPORLA) di Kelurahan Pantai Amal Kecamatan Tarakan Timur Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Utara

Alfi Suciyati


Abstrack. Eucheuma Cottonii is one of the local potentials of Tarakan City which plays an important role in the economy of the community. The problem often encountered on the ground is the selling price of unstable seaweed. Seaweed is also limited to being sold in the form of dried seaweed. The solution that can be implemented immediately is the Diversified Process of Seaweed Products (DIPORLA). Eucheuma Cottoni can be processed into various processed foods. The DIPORLA program aims to assist seaweed farmers through two aspects, namely the production aspect, and business management and marketing aspects. The method of implementing the DIPORLA program is through workshops and mentoring. Assistance is carried out starting from equipment preparation, production, packaging, marketing, business management, to business evaluation. Through the DIPORLA program, it is expected that the economic value of seaweed can increase and the income of seaweed farmers can be more feasible. The implementation of the DIPORLA program was able to show improvement in several respects, namely: 1) enhancing the ability of partners, including the ability to process seaweed by 75%, the ability to package, and market products, each by 50%, business management capabilities and business evaluation of each by 50%, and 2) an increase in income of seaweed farmers seen from the acquisition of turnover which increased by 249.2% for four months (July to October 2018). There are five types of products produced in this program, namely Nori Chips, Seaweed Cheese Cake, Seaweed Brownies, Seaweed Candy, and Seaweed Candied. Gradually, sales turnover has increased from month to month

Abstrak. Rumput Laut jenis Eucheuma Cottonii merupakan salah satu potensi lokal Kota Tarakan yang berperan penting dalam perekonomian masyarakat. Permasalahan yang sering ditemui di lapangan adalah harga jual rumput laut yang tidak stabil. Rumput laut juga masih sebatas dijual dalam bentuk rumput laut kering. Solusi yang dapat segera dilaksanakan adalah dengan Program Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Rumput Laut (DIPORLA). Rumput laut jenis Eucheuma Cottoni dapat diolah menjadi berbagai olahan makanan. Program DIPORLA bertujuan membantu petani rumput laut melalui dua aspek, yaitu aspek produksi, dan aspek manajemen usaha dan pemasaran.  Metode pelaksanaan program DIPORLA yaitu melalui workshop dan pendampingan. Pendampingan dilakukan mulai dari penyiapan peralatan, produksi, pengemasan, pemasaran, manajemen usaha, hingga evaluasi usaha. Melalui program DIPORLA diharapkan nilai ekonomi rumput laut dapat meningkat dan pendapatan masyarakat petani rumput laut dapat lebih layak. Pelaksanaan program DIPORLA mampu memperlihatkan peningkatan dalam beberapa hal, yaitu: 1) peningkatan kemampuan mitra, meliputi kemampuan mengolah rumput laut sebesar 75%, kemampuan mengemas, dan memasarkan produk, masing-masing sebesar 50%, kemampuan manajemen usaha dan evaluasi usaha masing-masing sebesar 50%,  dan 2) peningkatan pendapatan petani rumput laut dilihat dari perolehan omset yang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 249,2 % selama empat bulan (Juli hingga Oktober 2018). Produk yang dihasilkan dalam program ini ada lima macam, yaitu Nori Chips, Cheese Cake Rumput Laut, Brownies Rumput Laut, Permen Rumput Laut, dan Manisan Rumput Laut.


Rumput laut, Eucheuma cottonii, Diversifikasi produk rumput laut.

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