Peningkatan Kapasitas Kader Posyandu: Cegah Stunting dengan Perbaikan Gizi 1000 Hpk

Rachma Purwanti


Abstract. Stunting reported that it would be irreversible if happen after children 2 years old. This community service programs were be held on July – August, 2018 with community relation methods. Participants were 25 posyandu cadre on Ngarap-arap village, Ngaringan District, Grobogan Regency (22 person follows out). Program included : advocacy and atmosphere developing, education about stunting and 1000 days of life to stunting prevention, nutritional status measurement training, and also monitoring  and evaluation. The result includes: 1) about 88% of target participant follows out the program, 2) there was increasing of cadre knowledge about stunting and 1000 days of life, 3) there was 60% cadre could practise measurement of body length and body heigh, 4) there was 40% of cadre had willingness to transfer knowledge about stunting and 1000 days of life to the society by integrated service pos (Posyandu). Our suggestion: there were sustainable development from the public health service or public health officce, support from midwife and other health professional to actuated stunting screening based on the result of Posyandu measurement, and accompaniment of pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Abstrak Stunting dilaporkan dapat bersifat irreversible jika terjadi setelah anak berumur 2 tahun. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus Tahun 2018 dengan metode community relation. Peserta program adalah kader posyandu di Desa Ngarap-arap, Kecamatan Ngaringan, Kabupaten Grobogan berjumlah 25 orang (22 orang mengikuti program sampai akhir). Program meliputi kegiatan advokasi dan bina swasana, edukasi kader posyandu mengenai stunting, edukasi kader posyandu mengenai 1000 HPK dalam pencegahan stunting, training pengukuran Panjang Badan (PB) dan Tinggi Badan (TB) balita, dan monitoring evaluasi. Hasil dari program meliputi: 1) Sebesar 88% sasaran mengikuti Program sampai akhir, 2) Ada peningkatan pengetahuan kader mengenai stunting dan gizi 1000 HPK setelah mengikuti program yang diukur dengan kuesioner pre-post test, 3) Sebanyak 60% kader yang hadir mampu mempraktikkan cara pengukuran panjang badan (PB) dan tinggi badan (TB) balita diukur dengan cara observasi, dan 4) Sebesar 40% kader posyandu bersedia melakukan transfer knowledge kepada masyarakat sekitar lewat posyandu. Diharapkan adanya pembinaan oleh Puskesmas/Dinas Kesehatan secara berkala bagi kader posyandu, dukungan bidan desa/tenaga kesehatan Puskesmas setempat dalam pelaksanaaan skrining stunting pada balita berdasarkan hasil pengukuran di posyandu, dan pendampingan ibu hamil dan menyusui.


stunting, 1000 days of life, posyandu cadre, improving nutrition

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