Nilai Manfaat Ekonomi dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Lintas Wilayah Berkelanjutan

Hani Burhanudin, Lely Syiddatul Akliyah, Nia Kurniasari


Abstract. Water resources can be a catalyst for cross-regional cooperation that is mutually beneficial for the economic development of each region. The service provider has the authority to decide on the sustainability of water resources management collaboration. The principle is that cooperation must have a positive impact on the development of water resources areas. It is necessary to calculate the extent to which the transferred water can contribute to the sharing of the cost of recovering the catchment area of the water source. The value of the economic benefits of water is one way to formulate the extent to which cooperation in managing cross-regional water resources can be developed. Through the analysis of the value of the economic benefits of water, the price of water can be predicted so that a component of the compensation costs for environmental services will have to be paid by the water user. The analysis shows that 75% of the economic benefits of water are contributed by domestic water use with compensation costs that must be paid by the beneficiary in the amount of Rp. 3,875,590,943. If converted into conservation activities, the use of compensation for environmental services will be able to rehabilitate 30% of critical forest land in the Paniis spring catchment area. Regarding the need for funds for conservation of the catchment area of the very large Paniis water source, the allocation of water for domestic needs is worth developing. Utilization of environmental service compensation funds from this commercial aspect needs to be fully promoted so that the Kuningan-Cirebon City Regency collaboration in the field of water resources can be sustained.

Keywords: value of economic benefits, domestic water, catchment area, water resources management, sustainable.

Abstrak. Sumber daya air merupakan katalis kerjasama lintas wilayah yang saling menguntungkan bagi pengembangan ekonomi wilayah masing-masing. Penyedia jasa memiliki kewenangan untuk memutuskan keberlanjutan kerjasama pengelolaan sumberdaya air tersebut. Prinsipnya adalah kerjasama harus memberikan dampak positif bagi pengembangan kawasan sumber air. Diperlukan perhitungan sejauhmana air yang ditrarsfer mampu memberikan kontribusi sharing biaya pemulihan kawasan catchment area sumber air. Nilai manfaat ekonomi air adalah salah satu cara untuk merumuskan sejauhmana kerjasama dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air lintas wilayah dapat dikembangkan. Melalui analisa nilai manfaat ekonomi air, harga air dapat diprediksi sehingga akan diperoleh besaran komponen biaya kompensasi jasa layanan lingkungan yang harus dibayarkan oleh pemanfaat air. Hasil analisa memperlihatkan 75% nilai manfaat ekonomi air disumbangkan oleh pemanfaatan air domestik dengan biaya kompensasi yang harus dibayarkan oleh pemanfaat sebesar Rp. 3.875.590.943. Jika dikonversikan ke dalam kegiatan konservasi, penggunaan dana kompensasi jasa lingkungan ini mampu merehabilitasi 30% lahan hutan kritis di kawasan catchment area mata air Paniis. Terkait kebutuhan dana konservasi kawasan catchment area sumber air Paniis yang sangat besar, maka alokasi air untuk kebutuhan domestik ini layak dikembangkan. Pemanfaatan dana kompensasi jasa lingkungan dari aspek komersial ini perlu digalakan sepenuhnya agar kerjasama Kabupaten Kuningan-Kota Cirebon di bidang sumberdaya air ini dapat berkelanjutan.

Kata Kunci: nilai manfaat ekonomi, air domestik, catchment area, pengelolaan sumber daya air, berkelanjutan.


nilai manfaat ekonomi, air domestik, catchment area, pengelolaan sumber daya air, berkelanjutan.

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