Assistance for the Climate Village Program in Pekanbaru City

Trio Saputra, Alexsander Yandra, Khuriyatul Husna, Wasiah Sufi, Eka Eka


The climate village program in Pekanbaru City was carried out in one Tobek Godang Sub-District. Therefore there is a need to increase understanding and socialization of the Climate Village program so that this program can involve all sub-districts in Pekanbaru City. The Tobek Godang Sub-District Partner is a pilot project of the Kampong Climatic program, which is the target of community service program activities, namely stakeholders in Pekanbaru City. Based on the results of the FGDs and interviews, the partners faced two main problems: (1) Not knowing the climate village program stakeholders (2) There needed to be assistance for each village in implementing the climate village program. Based on the problems, solutions are offered (1) outreach to stakeholders regarding the climate village program, (2) assistance to each village in implementing the climate village program. The results of the dedication that has been carried out (1) socialization carried out by the community service team to increase the participation of two sub-districts that are committed to implementing the climate village program, namely Bina widia sub-district and sidomulyo Barat sub-district, (2) the companion team from tertiary institutions have conducted FGDs with RT, RW, Lurah and the Camat in implementing the climate village program to provide education to the community in implementing the climate village program. 


Climate Village, Program, Kelurahan, Pekanbaru.

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