Increasing Food Security Through Waste Management In Pandemic Time

Euis Sartika, Sri Murniati, Siti Yuliah, Fatmi Hadiani, Agus Binarto, Retno Dwi Jayanti


The abstract of the During the pandemic, people's activities were dominantly carried out at home, resulting in increased online shopping activities and their packaging which caused accumulation of household waste. The RW 05 area of Sukamenak Village, Margahayu District, Bandung does not yet have independent waste management, coupled with the low awareness and knowledge of residents about waste. Some residents were affected by layoffs, as a result of which the fulfillment of food needs was disrupted. This is the starting point for the waste problem in RW 05. Bandung State Polytechnic (Polban), takes a role in helping to solve this problem. PKM activities aim is to increase public knowledge in sorting household waste through the 3R program (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle), effective management of inorganic and organic waste, Budikdamber (Cultivating Fish in Ember) aimed at increasing family food security, and building a bank The methods used are training, technical guidance in the field, mentoring, and evaluation. The results of the activity show that inorganic waste management produces daily necessities and can be sold to increase income. Organic waste is processed into liquid fertilizer and solid fertilizer for yard greening. Catfish and kale from Budikdamber can increase family food security, especially meeting protein and vegetable needs. The construction of the "Suka Berseri RW 05" waste bank can reduce the volume of waste and residents can withdraw their savings at any time. The results of the questionnaire show that people's awareness and knowledge on waste management increased significantly.


Organic Waste, Inorganic Waste, Waste Bank, Budikdamber

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