Collaboration On The Use Of Corn Cob Waste As Charcoal Brickets In Sukamulya Village

Selvia Aprilyanti, Faizah Suryani, Tolu Tamalika, R.A Nurul Moulita, Azhari Azhari


The Briquettes are solid fuels that are used as an alternative energy source that has a certain form and is an energy source derived from biomass which is commonly used as an alternative energy substitute for petroleum and other energy derived from fossils. Corn is one of the leading commodities in Sukamulya Village, Sematang Borang District, where corn production has increased from year to year. The goal to be achieved in this activity is to reduce pollution from corn cob waste and obtain an alternative technology as a substitute for fuel oil. Usually the remaining corn cobs that have been taken from the corn will be thrown away and burned just like that. Even though this corn cob can be processed to make briquettes that have marketability. Therefore the service team is interested in doing community service in the field of the Community Partnership Program with the title "Utilization of Corn Cob Waste as Charcoal Briquettes in Sukamulya Village, Sematang Borang District". The activities carried out are counseling and training in processing corn cobs into charcoal briquettes. Making charcoal briquettes consists of two processes, namely the carbonization of corn cobs and the making of the briquettes themselves. The benefits of this activity are being able to increase the insight of the people in Sukamulya Village regarding how to process corn cobs to become more useful as an alternative energy source, and reduce corn waste around the local community.


Charcoal, Briquettes, Energy, Corn, Extension

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