Entrepreneurial Development Potential: Tilapia Cultivation Using Jetted Pond

Dewi Shofi Mulyati, . Nugraha, Ajrina Febri Suahati


Abstract. As the population increases, the need for food in Indonesia also increases. Fishery is one of the important sectors that can support food security and the Indonesian economy. Fishery is considered to have a more stable economic value compared to agriculture. Freshwater fish farming can be developed as an effort to advance the village economy while meeting food needs. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of business in freshwater fish farming using fast water ponds. It is hoped that fresh water fish will become the superior product of Tanggulun Village and can encourage the economic progress of the community and the village. Some of the aspects that become factors in the feasibility analysis are market aspects, technical aspects, human resource aspects, socio-economic aspects, environmental aspects, and financial aspects. This study shows that Tanggulun Village is suitable for freshwater fish farming.


perikanan; budidaya ikan nila; kolam air deras; analisis kelayakan usaha

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/ethos.v11i2.8844


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