The Training of Online Quiz as Gamification and Assessment in Virtual Learning

Masagus Mhd Tibrani, Susy Amizera, Kodri Madang, Rahmi Susanti, Yenny Anwar, Adeng Slamet, Khoiron Nazip, Nike Anggraini


Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the emergence of policies regarding the transition from face-to-face learning systems to virtual ones. It impacts changes in the implementation and readiness of teachers in the learning process, especially in terms of learning evaluation. One of the teacher's efforts is to master the use of online quiz applications for valid assessment purposes. Evaluation activities are innovatively modified into gamified online quizzes to make the assessment process more fun. The structure of this service activity includes training and assistance in utilizing online quiz applications. The service activities were carried out from August 30 to October 30, 2021. The number of participants in the service activities was 44 MGMP biology teachers from East Oku Regency. The action begins with the preparation and implementation stages of training, followed by mentoring activities. This activity starts with determining the type of test and the design of the questions given in the learning evaluation activity. Furthermore, the questions are adjusted to the essential competencies in the learning activities that the teacher has prepared. The values obtained by the participants before and after the training showed an increase in participants' scores by 22.7%. The results of the pretest and posttest indicate that teachers have gained an understanding of the use of online quiz applications. This training can assist teachers in providing interactive learning evaluation


Online Quiz, Gamification, Assessment, Vitual Learning, Evaluation

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