Video-Based Eye Health Education during the Pandemic in the Student Community of SMAN 1 Sukabumi

Yanuarita Tursinawati, Aliyah Ari Juliani, Bhre Dharnaratti Kasattu, Anggita Pungki Leksani, Izza Alya Ardana Putri, M Abrian Yudhistira, Ahmad Yusuf Habib, Ardelia Sabina, Annastania Adelina, M Hilda Farid Humaistina, Adinda Trimegasiwi DG, Laila Arina Hukma Adila


Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic is responsible for changing learning methods. Online learning during COVID-19 requires students to use electronic devices so that they are more exposed to computer screen radiation, which can cause dry eyes. This community service involves education about the importance of maintaining eye health for students. This activity aims to provide an overview of the impact of eye health during the pandemic on the high school student community, SMAN 1 Sukabumi. This activity was carried out from January 10 to January 22, 2022. Participants in this activity were all class XII students of SMAN 1 Sukabumi. This activity was part of the Field Learning Practice (Praktek Belajar Lapangan) activities for Block 21 students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang. The action in the form of online education began with counseling material on eye health and was followed by the screening of educational videos. This community services activity went smoothly. There was an increase in participants' knowledge of 55.8% from before (score of 35.84) and after a material presentation (score of 55.83). Health education messages conveyed in the form of videos are practical and quite effective as a means of disseminating information, as evidenced by the increase in participants' knowledge.


edukasi, kesehatan mata, pandemi, video.

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