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Author Guidelines

Global Medical and Health Communication is a journal that publishes medical and health scientific articles published every 4 (four) months. Articles are original research that needs to be disseminated and written in English. 
     The submitted manuscript must be an article that has never been published, and the author must ensure that all co-authors have agreed by signing a statement on the seal. For original research, we accept the study which is last then 7 (seven) years when the manuscript is submitted. Download the template of the ethical statement (free plagiarism) here. The manuscript is an original article free from plagiarism. When the article is published in another journal then in the next journal, the article will be disallowed.
     All articles will be discussed by experts in the field of scholarly concern (peer reviewer) and will be edited by the editor. The editor reserves the right to add or subtract sentences, both abstracts, and scripts without changing the meaning. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will become the property of the publisher. It is not allowed to be published in other media. The needed revised manuscripts will be returned to the author. Research articles must be approved by the health research ethics committee or consider the ethical aspects of research accounted for.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Article Writing
    Typed the article in Microsoft Word format with paper size A4 (21.0×29.7 cm), 4 cm left and top margin, 3 cm down and right, not back and forth. The font is black Georgia with 12 pt size, typed justified except for a title with a spacing of two spaces. Typing a new paragraph 6 taps from the left edge of the line, unless the first paragraph is not typed indented. In one manuscript only in English. Typed italic the untranslatable terms in a foreign language or regional language. It is recommended to use a professional translator who understands the health field or software such as Grammarly in writing English manuscripts. The maximum script length is 20 pages (including images, tables, and photos). Each page is numbered typed on the bottom right page, sequentially starting from the title page to the last page.
         Table title is the typed justify, font size 11 pt, bold, initial letter of each word written with a capital letter, except conjunctions. The titles are numbered and written on top of the table. Example: Table 3 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Resistance to 8 Types of Antimicrobials in 20 Specimens. Table, no vertical dividing line, and there are only three horizontal border lines. Created tables in sequence two spaces from the text. Table descriptions and abbreviations are placed in the table description, not on the table title. 
         Typed center figure title within 11 pt font size, bold, numbered according to the appearance in the text and typed under the image. The source of the cited image and or table should be added to references if it is not the author's own work.
         Figures (graphs, diagrams, and photos) and tables besides being written in place, are also made separately on other text pages with sufficient sharpness and darkness. A maximum number of tables and or images are 6 (six) pieces. Figures are sent in black and white or colored format when required, uploaded to the Supplementary File(s) are in high-resolution jpeg, jpg, or png formats.
         Write correspondence as to footnote on the first page containing full name of author with degrees/academic degrees, institution, address, mobile phone, and e-mail.

  2. Content and Format Articles
    The article contains results of original research in the field of basic medical or applied, and health. The article format consists of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion(s), Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, and References.

  3. Articles Title
    Maximum article title consists of 12 words (choose words and terms that are dense meaning and able to characterize the entire contents of the script). Typed with bold fonts, size 12 pt, one space, the initial letter of each word is written in capital letters (except the conjunctive), and center. The ownership row consists of 2 elements, the author name and origin institution. The author's name written with the initial fonts is capital and bold, size 11 pt, one space, and center. Institution name written with the initial fonts are capital, size 10 pt, one space, and center.

  4. Abstract
    The abstract is typed using 12 pt font size and one space. The abstract is written in one paragraph, one space, a maximum of 250 words, and should describe the entire contents of the article. The abstract should be suitable for the format of introduction, methods (contain method, place, and time of study), results, discussion, and conclusion. Abstract be equipped with keywords consisting of 3–5 words.

  5. Introduction
    The introduction begins with the general background of the study in a brief maximum of one paragraph. Then, load the State of the Art (a brief review of literature or previous studies, 1–2 paragraphs) to justify/strengthen the statement of novelty or significance or scientific contribution or originality of this article and try to have references to articles from journals of the last 10 years that strengthen the justification for originality or contributions.
         Before writing the purpose of the study, there must be a clear and explicit Gap Analysis or statement of gaps (originality) or a statement of the contribution of novelty (novelty statement), or the unique difference of this research compared to previous studies, also in terms of the importance of whether or not the research was conducted.

  6. Methods
    Methods contain the material under study and the way described briefly by the order of operation as well as the location and time of the study. Explain statistical methods in detail. Consideration of ethical issues is included. If the protocol has been approved then the ethical clearance/approval letter number and the health research ethics committee must be written.

  7. Results
    The result is the core of scientific writing. This section presents data and information that will be used as the basis of the conclusion and is even expected to get a new theory. In results, listed the tables and or images, graphics, photos to explain and abbreviate the description should be given; numbered according to their appearance in the text. Results of the study and discussion should be written separately.

  8. Discussion
    Discussion of the article reveals, explains, and discusses the results of the study with an analysis by the research design, interpretation, and explanation of its synthesis. Also, the results obtained are compared with the results of previous research of others. Suggestions are also written here.

  9. Conclusion(s)
    Conclusion is submitted in accordance with the results obtained by the researcher and written briefly and clearly in two or three sentences in one paragraph.

  10. Conflict of Interest
    All authors must make a formal statement at the time of submission indicating any potential conflict of interest that might constitute an embarrassment to any of the authors if it were not to be declared and were to emerge after publication. Such conflicts might include but are not limited to, shareholding in or receipt of a grant or consultancy fee from a company whose product features in the submitted manuscript or which manufactures a competing product.

  11. Acknowledgment
    Acknowledgments should be provided to research contributors without writing a degree.

  12. References
    Authors are recommended to use reference management software for citation and reference writing, such as Mendeley and EndNote.
         References are written by the Vancouver system's writing rules, given the sequence number corresponding to appearing in the article. List all author names if no more than six people; when more than six authors write the first six authors followed by et al. The references cited in the article are the most important references. The minimum referral number of 20 (twenty) and maximum of 30 (thirty) copies of the most recent 10 (ten) years of journal article/book publishing. Reference should be sought from 80% primary literature and 20% secondary literature. Avoid referral in the form of personal communication (personal communication) except for the information that is not possible from a public source. Include source name, date of communication, written permission, and confirmation of the accuracy of the source of communication.

    Example How to Write References

    Theodoridou K, Vasilopoulou VA, Katsiaflaka A, Theodoridou MN, Roka V, Rachiotis G, et al. Association of treatment for bacterial meningitis with the development of sequelae. Intern J Infect Dis. 2013;17(9):e707–13.

    Zhang B, Kunde D, Tristram S. Haemophilus haemolyticus is infrequently misidentified as Haemophilus influenzae in diagnostic specimens in Australia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2014;80(4):272–3.

    Books and Other Monographs
    Editor as Author

    Nriagu J, editor. Encyclopedia of environmental health. Michigan: Elsevier BV; 2011.

    Organization as Author
    World Health Organization. Guideline: neonatal vitamin A supplementation. Geneva: WHO Press; 2011.

    Chapter in Book
    Miller LG. Community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In: Weber JT, editor. Antimicrobial resistance. Beyond the breakpoint. Basel: Karger; 2010. p. 1–20.

    Conference Proceeding
    Nicholai T. Homeopathy. Proceedings of the Workshop Alternative Medicines; 2011 November 30; Brussels Belgium. Brussels: ENVI; 2011.

    Journal Article from Internet
    King P. Haemophilus influenzae and the lung (Haemophilus and the lung). Clin Transl Med. 2012;1:10 [cited 2015 August 15]. Available from:

  13. Supplementary File(s)
    In the Supplementary File(s), upload the following document:
    - ethics and plagiarism statement;
    - scan results of ethical approval/clearance letters from the Health Research Ethics Committee;
    - copyright statement;<br/- pictures (graphs, diagrams, and photos) at a manuscript in high-resolution jpeg, jpg, or png format.

  14. Article Submission
    Submit article and correspondence with the editorial board online. Register at and follow the guidelines.

    Manuscripts submitted not in accordance will be rejected.


Copyright Notice

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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The name and e-mail address entered on the journal website will only be used for the stated purpose, shall not misuse for any other purpose or for any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 500000.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication: 1500000.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.