Hubungan Lama Pengobatan dan Jenis Obat Antiepilepsi dengan Derajat Depresi pada Pasien Epilepsi

Meita Nurfitriani Saefulloh, Ratna Dewi Indi Astuti, Waya Nurruhyuliawati, Yuke Andriane, Miranti Kania Dewi


Epilepsi merupakan kelainan otak kronik yang ditandai dengan kecenderungan terjadi bangkitan epileptik. Terapi epilepsi dilakukan dalam jangka waktu yang lama untuk mengurangi kejadian bangkitan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadi efek samping di antaranya depresi. Depresi pada pengobatan epilepsi berhubungan dengan jenis obat antiepilepsi dan lama pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan lama pengobatan dan jenis obat epilepsi dengan derajat depresi pada pasien epilepsi. Metode penelitian ini merupakan observasi analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang. Subjek penelitian adalah 74 pasien epilepsi di Poli Saraf RSUD Al-Ihsan periode Maret–Mei 2018 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yaitu pasien yang sudah meminum obat antiepilepsi generasi pertama monoterapi minimal satu bulan. Sampel dipilih secara purposive sampling dan telah mengisi kuesioner Beck Depression Inventory II. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan uji statistik menggunakan Uji Fischer Exact. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan jumlah pasien epilepsi yang mengalami depresi derajat minimal paling banyak ditemukan dan tidak terdapat hubungan lama pengobatan dan jenis obat antiepilepsi dengan derajat depresi pada pasien epilepsi. Kejadian depresi pada pasien epilepsi selain dipengaruhi jenis obat dan lama pengobatan juga dipengaruhi oleh keadaan epilepsi (frekuensi kejang dan jenis epilepsi), faktor iatrogenik (obat antiepilepsi), dan faktor psikososial.



Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of brain which characterized episode of epileptic seizures. Duration treatment of epilepsy is in quite long period to reduce the incidence of seizure, this condition can increase the risk of side effects such as depression. Depression in patients with epilepsy is associated with the type of anti-epilepsy drugs and the duration of treatment. This study was to determine the relationship between the duration of treatment and the type of epilepsy drug with the degree of depression in patients with epilepsy. This research was an analytic observation with cross sectional design. Subjects were 74 epileptic patients in the Nerve Outpatient of Al-Ihsan General Hospital in the period March—May 2018 which met the inclusion criteria who had taken anti epileptic drugs first generation monotherapy for at least 1 month. The sample was chosen by purposive sampling and has filled out the Beck Depression Inventory II questionnaire. Research data were analyzed by statistical test using Fischer Exact test. The results in this study patients with epilepsy who has minimal degree of depression is most common and there was no relationship between treatment duration and type of anti-epileptic drugs with degrees of depression in epilepsy patients. The incidence of depression in patients with epilepsy not only caused by the type of drug and duration of treatment but can also caused by epilepsy condition itself (seizure frequency and type of epilepsy), iatrogenic factors (anti-epileptic drugs) and psychosocial factors.


Anti-epileptic drugs; depression; duration of treatment; epilepsy; depresi; epilepsi; lama pengobatan; obat antiepilepsi

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