Locally-Based Enterprise Training To Improve The Economic Empowerment Of The Learners Of Independent Enterprise Literacy
Entrepreneurial skills of learners of Independent Enterprise Literacy at Community Learning Center (CLC) Harapan Karawang Regency in developing locally-based enterprise, is still low. This study is aimed to analyze the planning, the implementation, the outcome, and the impact of locally-based enterprise training on improving the economic empowerment of the learners of Independent Enterprise Literacy. The approach uses in this study is a qualitative case study method. The subjects consist of four learners, a trainer, and an administrator of CLC. The data are obtained through the observation, in-depth interview, and documentation analysis. The data analysis involves the following stages: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The locally-based enterprise training is designed through proper planning with the identification of learner needs, formulating objectives and preparing training curriculum that meets the needs and characteristics of the learners. The implementation of the training is conducted properly in accordance with a predetermined plan. The results of training assessment show an increase of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of learners’ entrepreneurial skills. The enterprise training gives impact and influence to increase the learners’ economic empowerment proved by the increasing income and wider business opportunities.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v32i2.1921
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