A Model of Communication to Empower Fisherman Community in Bengkalis Regency

Yasir Yasir, Nurjanah Nurjanah, Chelsy Yesicha


Fishermen are generally still poor and use traditional way. The aim of this research is to understand the empowerment of communication pattern, to explain the media used, and to describe the model of government communication in empowering fishermen in Bengkalis. This research uses qualitative method. The research result shows that the patterns of communication are through mentoring and counseling, socialization and establishment of vocational schools of fishery, providing tools and capital facilities, building fishing villages, and development of villages’ tourism. The media used are website and release in the print media, billboards and banners, calendars and posters, and making a film. The model of communication in empowering fishermen relies on Marine and Fisheries Departments, especially Field Officers (PPL) and by coordinating with others departments such as academician, police, universities and society.


communication, empowerment, media, counseling, fishermen.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i2.2135


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