Warga Peduli AIDS’: Community Participation in the HIV and AIDS Response in Bandung
Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) becomes the global epidemic. It attacks human immune system; and if left untreated it leads to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Indonesian governmental and non-governmental institutions are the main actors in the response to this epidemic since late 80s; while community participation has newly emerged. This study discusses ‘Warga Peduli AIDS’ (local residents concerned about AIDS) in Bandung; which is one of the rare forms of community participation in the HIV and AIDS response in Indonesia. Using ethnographic method, this study examines the main actions by Warga Peduli AIDS, such as attendance in HIV related meetings, events, and workshops; dissemination of information; and provision of support and companionship for neighbours living with HIV. This study finds that members of the community actively participate in the HIV and AIDS response through their actions as Warga Peduli AIDS; and their actions has contributed significantly to the national strategies to respond the HIV and AIDS in Indonesia
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i2.2439
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