The Potential Development Effect of ASEAN Connectivity: The Case of Riau Corridor

Adiwan Aritenang


The Masterplan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) presented the ASEAN transportation and connectivity plans to connect the member countries. Despite the clear define objectives, the MPAC implementation remains to be limited. Until 2015, transportation and connectivity projects in Indonesia are scattered in regions without integration under the MPAC scheme.

This paper examines the issues and potential role of ASEAN Connectivity implementation in Indonesia. The paper conducts qualitative analysis on literature study, policy content analysis and interviews allowing detail information on the MPAC implementation in Indonesia. 

The paper findings are as follows; (i) The lack of MPAC implementation at both ASEAN and Indonesia levels. The ASEAN lacks a designated authority and leadership to carry MPAC forward within the member countries, whilst in Indonesia there is no institution to lead the MPAC delivery. (ii) The importance role of a leading institution in Indonesia government to define and determine the strategic projects with higher value added. The paper concludes that the national government should regulate and lead the MPAC projects to ensure regional-wide connectivity with ASEAN, whilst at the same time integrate local development in Indonesia.


Indonesia, ASEAN Connectivity, Regional Development

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