Work Condition, Gender Relation And Violence Against Women Migrant Domestic Workers

Keppi Sukesi


The research aims to analyze the social conditions of working women migrant domestic workers, gender relations in their home and workplace, and to describe the violence experienced by women migrant domestic workers. The research method used is case study in two villages, namely village of Majangtengah Malang Regency and village of Junjung Tulungagung Regency as sender of migrant worker. The research informants are migrant workers who have returned to their home villages and migrant families who are working overseas. This study uses a qualitative approach through in-depth study of 32 migrant workers. Data analysis technique is descriptive qualitative. Research results show that women migrant workers are encouraged to work away from the village and families by socioeconomic factors. They have different working conditions in the destination country. The employer factors are crucial to urge the success of the migrant workers. They contribute economically to households and surrounding communities, but this work is very at risk of violence. Violence can occur from departure to destination country. Therefore, protection of women migrant workers is very important.


Working Conditions, Violence, Migrant Workers

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