Pesan Positif dalam Komunikasi

Anne Ratnasari


A Word choice (diction) in the communication message has an important role to achieve  a communications success. Success begins from the ability to leverage one’s self through the alteration of language. This is because low-energy messages (negativemessages) will affect the person’s life. In order to obtain a positive effect, individuals are expected to change the mindset and  language  that  apply  to  internal and external conversations through the exercise to replace the words of low-energy to high-energy words. Changing  the  negative  messages  into positive message in life should comply with the provision that a reality must be expressed positively. since according to the characteristics of the subconscious mind, if someone uses negative words, he will accept and realize the main feeling of those negative thoughts. Thus the success and failure of a person  starts   from how far he/she can speak that will impact positively on the her/his life .


Diction; Exercise; Positive Message; Sosial


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