Radio Constellation to Strengthening Local Identity

Atie Rachmiatie, Dey Ravena, Yenni Yuniati


A problem of broadcasting system in Indonesia, radio broadcasts in particular, lies in its insignificant contribution to strengthening the local identity, albeit the power of radio that is on the proximity of the media and its audiences. Local identity seems to fade away nowadays and being left behind by its community, whereas it has the power to shape the national identity, especially for young generation. This article examines a constellation of radio broadcasts in strengthening local identity. This study uses a qualitative method of case study with subject’s research of private mainstream broadcast radio in West Java. The research result finds that institutional owners have difficulties to balance commercial interests and editorial side since the radio needs to go forward in the industry and gain profits, but on the other side is "chained" by prevailing regulations and idealism. This is the reason why radio needs to advance in technology, contents, and human resources and also follows the trends.  Implementation on program/content of broadcast is based on the spirit to undertake the local potential, but the change in listeners’ state demands the radio manager to transforms local culture in such a way to be accepted by those listeners. Contents are focused on values and characters, while the packaging remains the present. The dominance of media conglomeration in broadcasting industry hampered the development of local radio.


Radio broadcasts, Media conglomeration, Local Identity

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