Poverty Alleviation Based On Participatory Rural Appraisal- (Pra) In Sidoarjo Regency

Mashudi Mashudi, Luluk Fauziah, Isna Fitria Agustina


Poverty with its entire dimension has a destructive effect due to social, economy, safety, legal, and political instabilities. This research design is a combination of qualitative descriptive and confirmatory exploration. The research variable is derived from Empowerment and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) which is the designation of a competitive and sustainable empowerment management scheme. Poverty alleviation which consists of social support and protection for poor household to the empowerment of small and micro businesss has two characteristics, namely rescue and recovery. The rescue characteristic is a short-term effort to save the poor household due to the rise of fuel price, while the recovery is a long-term ones. There are problems in poverty alleviation which focuses on the empowerment and lack of engagement from local people. An increase in growth rate should increase the income per capita which will solve the problem of unemployment, poverty, and imbalance of income distribution. On the contrary, the real situation shows different fact that the increase of economic growth causes an increase of unemployment rate along with more gap in poverty and income distribution.


poverty alleviation, empowerment, participatory rural appraisal

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v34i1.3168


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