Revitalization Of Creative Industries And City Branding: Competitiveness And Productivity In Knitted Industry Perspective

Deden Sutisna, Nugroho J Setiadi, Benny Yustim


The development of creative industries in Bandung, Indonesia showed a quite satisfactory improvement. This success needs to be completed by performing revitalization and city branding for Bandung. This study aims to examine the factors of competitiveness and productivity in the knitted industry of Binong Jati in the revitalization of creative industries and city branding in Bandung, West Java Province. The research used census method and verification with statistical method of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The unit of analysis is thirty people of owners or knitted creative business entrepreneurs in Bandung city. The result of this research is that out of twenty-eight factors studied, the dominant factor of industrial competitiveness is drawn to seven factors which are the production equipment used, the owner quick response, the product trend periods, knitting machine used, the processed of raw material, delivery of goods, and workers with accuracy. There are four factors of productivity and one dominant factor is flexibility.


Competitiveness, Revitalization, City Branding

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