Integrative Transcendental Planning Discourse At Tondok Sillanan In Tana Toraja

Imam Indratno


Positivism and rationalism are a paradigm used in current planning. Therefore, planners have always considered a rational and physical evidence in the planning process. On the other hand, eastern paradigm is different look at the reality. Reality is seen as something holistic. This paper discusses the discourse of the integrative trancendental of planning. Research conducted by the phenomenological approach on the traditional settlements. The scope of this study is basically still in the context of planning perspective by taking a case study in Toraja, South Sulawesi. The result showed that is a source of planning not only the senses but also planner intuition. Reality must be seen from personal and communal consciousness of society. Finally, the integrative trancendental of planning emphasizes the transcendental consciousness as the spirit of planning.


the integrative trancendental of planning, phenomenology, intuition, transcendental conciousness

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