Dinamika Masyarakat Tradisional Kampung Naga di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Epon Ningrum


The dynamics of the Kampung Naga at District Tasikmalaya community is controlled by the custom. Generally, the aim of this research is to analyze the traditional dynamic community of Kampung Naga, especially to: (1) identify the  custom of Kampung Naga community; (2) identify the dynamic of the society; and (3) recommend employing society strategy. The research design is using qualitative approach with descriptive method. Researcher as human instrument with the aid of interview guide, observation guide and field note. The subject of this research consists of 5 respondents. The data validity is through triangulation, probing, peer debriefing, and members check. The data analyze through data display, data reduction, verification and conclusion. The result of the research are: (1) the custom consists of testament tradition, mandating, prohibition and consequence; (2) the society dynamic consists of technology changing, occupation, income and life facility ownership; and (3) employing strategy is recommended through adaptive innovation concerning the custom.


dynamics, traditional community, tradition and custom, social


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v28i1.338


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