Diseminasi Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa melalui Pengelolaan Agrowisata

Imam Santosa, Rawuh Edy Priyono


Diversion of agricultural land to agrotourism areas urge the villagers into a trap landless and unemployment, which in turn have an impact on sustained poverty. Therefore, this study aims to examine sosial relations in the dissemination model of empowering rural communities through local resource management of agrotourism. The research location is set intentionally in the four areas into the development of agrotourism in the central region Banyumas and Purbalingga.  The research method used survey with qualitative and quantitative approach. The research’s results showed there was a variety of external and internal issues that hinder the dissemination of sosial relationships communicative empowerment model. However, the villagers have attempted to solve the obstacles according to the capability of local resources. Sosial relations have a significant meaning in the process of  dissemination on rural community empowerment model through agrotourism management.


Model Pemberdayaan; Masyarakat Desa; Pengelolaan Agrowisata; Pembangunan

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v28i2.354


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